Ashok Mohanakumar
Ashok Mohanakumar

I am Ashok and I have over 5 years experience building webistes and webapps. I mostly dabble with NodeJS. Currently I work at Codeofduty plc building lightweight APIs, web services and deploying and maintaing our products.

What I have built


Ryng is a high performance cloud based outbound dialer. Checkout I built the UI, APIs, reporting modules, socket based user management system and a progressive outbound dialer service.

Asker Link

Askerlink is high performance high speed API based URL shortener.


Wedding planner webapp built with PHP.

MBCET Directory

I built an android app for MAR BASELIOS COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY, trivandrum which served as the contact directory app for the faculty.

Worked Over 50 Wordpress and other static websites

I have deployed and worked on over 50 live web based projects over the last 5 years.